Kingudlerk National Park is located in the Taiga Shield Ecozone (above in yellow). The Taiga Shield ecozone is the northern half of the Canadian Shield and right above the Boreal Shield Ecozone. It covers most of Labrador, part of northern Quebec, and stretches through the Northwest Territories all the way the northern tip of Alberta.

The climate in the ecozone is subarctic and average temperatures range from -1°C to -5°C. Wetlands, shrublands, meadows and open forests cover the land. Animals like the lynx, beaver, black bear, grizzly bear, arctic fox, wolf, moose and the caribou roam the wetlands and forests of the Taiga Shield. The many bedrock outcrops and upland areas made by the glaciers brings out the true beauty of the Shield. Temperatures may be a little cold but its no excuse to miss the beauty of the Taiga Shield.


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